»With our customers, we develop storytelling tailored to their needs. This enables them to actively shape their success in line with their values and talents.«
Uwe Walter
Digital Storytelling

If you want to tell digital stories in a way that makes customers want to watch and buy, you need three things.
- overview – here the key question is “Which platform and media should we rely on?” Because digital storytelling is versatile: video, infographics, the written and spoken word, illustrations, animations, music, live. I have to be clear about which forms of expression suit me and fit my brand. It’s the same with platforms: It only makes sense to use those where my target group is and which I really want to serve.
- structure – “How do we manage to regularly fill our social media channels alongside our day-to-day business?” With editorial meetings, a content calendar, and set times for content creation.
- storytelling know-how – “What can we post on social media – and how do we produce it?” It’s easier for those who develop formats that flow organically from the business. Storytelling along the lines of life – but put into form in such a way that followers stay tuned.

Storytelling Masterclass

In our signature seminar “Storytelling Masterclass” we have been teaching for over 20 years how to turn people into fans, and followers into customers with storytelling. Netflix, Edeka, FC Bayern München – these companies make millions with storytelling.
In the Storytelling Masterclass, we show why. How do I use storytelling to inspire customers in marketing, communications, PR, media, HR, sales or coaching?
What dramaturgy does a story need so that people can identify with a product or a company to the maximum? How do I tell stories so that they remain in the memory?

Editorial Workshops | Media Consulting

Television has become more flexible. Where big names used to hold court for decades, broadcasters and producers now react quickly to currents, trends and new talent.
What hasn’t changed? The solid foundation that programs need if they want to achieve their ratings targets in the long term. Good storytelling – adapted to modern storytelling and viewing habits to reach young audiences.
Over the past 20 years, we have assisted well over 500 clients with their individual challenges and tasks.

Brand Story Process

On the way to a brand story, we collect the stories that have been groundbreaking for the company so far.
We look at where untold potential lies and how we can publicize the stories that turn customers into fans. At the end of the day, we have the unmistakable Story DNA. This means: no matter which text, which image, which marketing material we hold in our hands. The customer immediately sees who it comes from – and what the company stands for wholeheartedly.

Change management

In the storylistening phase, we look at all the components of a company; everyone is heard. Employees on the management floor as well as people on the production line. After this inventory it is clear in which areas change is necessary. For these we form project groups and develop solutions together.

»Storytelling is not a marketing tool, but an attitude. Nothing makes people and teams happier than being able to tell and shape their story. Accompanying people in this is a real dream job for us, which we live passionately every day.«
Svenja & Uwe Walter

Statement from Maximilian Sailer, Hofbräuhaus Traunstein:
“Dear Uwe, you have been excellent in guiding us through this process and always spurring us on to go one step further. As a result, we succeeded in bringing out the special features of our brewery and our entire brewery family in a unique way. This intensive and impressive process for all of us now means that we can tell the stories of our brewery from over 400 years individually and uniquely. And that is just the beginning. Thank you so much for your great efforts!”